
Early Presidents: The First 5

George Washington: #1 - Mr "I never Smile"


Lived 1732 -1799. He almost made the 1800's, but not quite. Known as "The Father of our Country", he led us in the American Revolution.  He had wooden teeth which could be the reason he's never smiling in his paintings and pictures.  He was married to Martha Washington and his VP was John Adams.

John Adams: #2 - "Not the Bathroom #2"


Lived 1735 - 1826.  He and Thomas Jefferson were rivals throughout their lives but ironically both died on the same day -- July 4th.  He wanted to be addressed as "His Highness" but people thought it was dumb and instead called him #2.

Thomas Jefferson: #3 - Mr. "I Bought Louisiana"


Lived 1743-1826.  He had many occupations before president such as archaeologist, architect, and wine aficionado.  Jefferson wanted more settlements west after the Louisiana purchase, so he sent out Louis and Clark on their expedition.

James Madison: #4 - "The Teeny Tiny Guy"


Lived 1751-1836.  Standing only 5 ft 4 (1.63 m) and weighing in at 122 lbs, James Madison was the smallest president ever.  Madison was one of the fewer presidents who had no children.  Both of James Madison's VP's died in office, leaving him alone.  I think they just didn't want to have to stare down at a person half their size.

James Monroe: #5 - Mr. "Monroe Doctrine"


Lived 1758-1831. Monroe created the  "Monroe Doctrine", which basically said that that if Europe didn't interfere with the independent countries in North and South America, The US wouldn't interfere or engage in any European conflicts.  Coincidentally, being one of the Founding Fathers, he died on July 4th.  After Monroe/Adams/Jefferson all died on July 4th, all the other Founding Fathers got freaked out and hid in their rooms each year and tried to make it to July 5th.

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